Hyundai SeasAll

Compact, powerful and fuel efficient

The engine program from reputable Hyundai SeasAlls includes reliable marine diesels from 200 – 700 hp.
Engines are compact and therefore easy to install. The service points are easily accessible, which facilitates service and maintenance.
There are several options for each engine. For example, all engines can be adapted to water jet propulsion.

High performance with low emission levels

Performance-wise, Hyundai SeasAll places itself at the absolute top with powerful acceleration from low revs, excellent driving comfort and low fuel consumption.

The modern technology with efficient water cooling delivers low emission levels. The engines from Hyundai SeasAll meet the latest European exhaust requirement RCD2 and US EPA Tier 3.


Hyundai SeasAll Product Range

R200S_Hyundai_Seasall-1024x1024Hyundai SeasAll R200S4 cyl. 2,2 l3800200More info
HyundaiSeasAllR200P-e1571046020784Hyundai SeasAll R200P4 cyl. 2,2 l3800200More info
R200J-e1571056941255 Hyundai SeasAll R200J4 cyl. 2,2 l3800200More info
S270S_Silver-768x1024Hyundai SeasAll S270SV6 cyl. 3,0 l3800270More info
S270PHyundai SeasAll S270PV6 cyl. 3,0 l3800270More info
S270JHyundai SeasAll S270JV6 cyl. 3,0 l3800270More info
Hyundai_SeasAll_380Hyundai SeasAll H3806 cyl. 10 l1800380More info
H410Hyundai SeasAll H4106 cyl. 10 l2000410
HyundaiSeasAll500-1Hyundai SeasAll L13 – L5006 cyl. 12,7 l1800500More info
L600 Hyundai SeasAll L13 – L6006 cyl. 12,7 l2000600
L700Hyundai SeasAll L13 – L7006 cyl. 12,7 l2200700

A leading manufacturer

Hyundai SeasAll is a subsidiary of Hyundai Kia Motors. The enterprise is one of the world’s largest engine manufacturers and puts a great deal of effort into product development. In 2012, it manufactured more than 6 million engines.

Dpower is a distributor of Hyundai SeasAll  engines,  as well as spare parts and accessories.

Want to know more? Contact Thomas Magnusson at Dpower.

Visit Hyundai SeasAll website for more info

Thomas Magnusson

Sales Manager, Sales – Marine leisure
Tel. +46 (0)31-748 62 15
Mobile +46 (0)705-68 57 03